For indoor newborn photos, I keep it simple using a single speedlite to bounce flash as well as the built in reflector to throw some light forward. I prefer my Canon 600EX-RT, but you could also use a Canon 430 as an alternative. Newer versions of both flashes have built in reflectors, but bounce flash on older models will usually work fine without any modifiers.
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Here I placed my son Sully on a fancy chair we got from JC Penny and draped a handmade blanket over him (thanks grandma!). Don't worry, my wife is 3 feet to the right spotting him in case he decides to move to all. I aimed the flash straight up to bounce off the white ceiling. The white reflector was also up to throw some light forward and fill any shadows. The entry light in the background also casts a warm glow across the hardwood floor.

GEAR: Canon 6D, Canon 85mm 1.8, Canon 600EX-RT
SETTINGS: 1/125 sec at f/2.2, ISO 500

Remember to get in tight for more detailed shots! These photos used the same lighting.

GEAR: Canon 6D, Canon 85mm 1.8, Canon 600EX-RT
SETTINGS: 1/125 sec at f/2.2, ISO 500
Here's what my Canon 6D looks like for this bounce flash shot. This is how my flash is setup 90% of the time for baby photos and candid family shots.

GEAR: Canon 6D, Canon 85mm 1.8, Canon 600EX-RT
SETTINGS: 1/125 sec at f/2.2, ISO 500
Here's another example using bounce flash. For the photo below, I did not use the white, pull out flag. While Sully sat on the floor in the hallway, I bounced the bare flash off of the white ceiling. The white door and casing behind me created a unique catch light (reflection) in his eyes.

GEAR: Canon 6D, Canon 40mm 2.8, Canon 600EX-RT
SETTINGS: 1/160 sec at f/2.8, ISO 100
I edited this photo in Lightroom making it black and white and add some extra vignetting. I also used Split Toning and Curves to add warmth to the shadows and overall photo.
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