Here are some tips for taking better photos of your furry friends!
I love taking photos of my dogs! They were some of my first models! Here are some tips that I hope will help you take better photos of your furry friends.
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1. Get on their level
It's fun to try different angles with pet or person portraits. But I constantly see pet photos taken while standing looking down at the pet. If you find yourself in this habit, switch it up by getting low and taking a photo of your pet at their level. I love photos of dogs on their level because it makes them seem more like people.

GEAR: Canon 6D, Canon 85mm 1.8, Canon 600EX-RT, Manfrotto 1004BAC stand, Fotodiox 43" White Shoot-Through Umbrella
SETTINGS: 1/100 sec at f/6.3, ISO 400
2. Focus on the eyes
When people look at photos, their gaze is drawn to the subject's eyes. For this reason, you should always focus on your pet's eyes so that they are sharp in the photo. To get a sharp focus, it is best to use a single focus point so you can focus it on one of the yes.

SETTINGS: 1/125 sec at f/2.8, ISO 400
3. Capture personality
When most people get ready to take a pet photo, they tell the pet to stay and they stand back and point the camera at their pet. This isn't a very natural situation. You photos will be more interesting if they portray some of your pet's personality. Do what your pet likes to do. Go where your pet likes to go. You may want to use a zoom lens so you can step back and capture their emotions. Dogs in particular look more at ease when their tongues are out. Run around with your dog a little bit to work out some energy. Then photograph them while they relax after.

GEAR: Canon 6D, Canon 28mm 1.8, Canon 600EX-RT
SETTINGS: 1/160 sec at f/4.5, ISO 100
4. Freeze the action
Animal action photos can be very fun. Use a faster shutter speed to capture your pet running, jumping, or playing. For the photo below, I used 1/160 of a second, but faster is better if you're trying to freeze the action. Keep in mind, you don't always need to freeze the action. A photo of a dog running may look good with a little blur to give the impression of motion.

GEAR: Canon 6D, Canon 28mm 1.8, Canon 600EX-RT, Manfrotto 1004BAC Light Stand, Fotodiox 43" Umbrella, OCF Gear Extra Long ETTL cord
SETTINGS: 1/160 sec at f/3.5, ISO 6400
5. Keep it candid
You know your dog best. Is she happiest with her favorite toy? Is he most relaxed after running in the yard for a while? Sometimes dogs are a little up tight when you take out your camera and ask them to stay. Let them be in their element, whether running or playing or relaxing on a leather couch. If you can't get close, use a zoom lens.

GEAR: Canon 6D, Canon 50mm 1.4,
SETTINGS: 1/100 sec at f/1.8, ISO 1600
6. Use Props
Props can make pet photos even more fun and interesting. You can start with a bandana or sunglasses, but the sky is the limit! However, always be aware of your pet's mood and safety. If your pet doesn't like something or it looks uncomfortable, don't do it. Pet safety and wellness is most important.

GEAR: Canon 6D, Canon 28mm 1.8
SETTINGS: 1/1250 sec at f/2.8, ISO 100
7. Experiment with flash
Get out your speedlite! You can use your flash to create great light and expiriment! In the photo below I held a 600EX-RT in each hand and held them facing my dogs while my wife took the photo. I love this shot!

GEAR: Canon 6D, Canon 28mm 1.8, Canon 600EX-RT (2), Yongnuo YN-E3-RT
SETTINGS: 1/180 sec at f 5.6, ISO 400
8. Use Treats
Last but not least, have treats on hand to reward your pet for obeying your commands and being good! Dogs particularly like peanut butter and you can often get a funny photo of them eating it too.

GEAR: Canon 6D, Canon 85mm 1.8, Canon 600EX-RT, Manfrotto 1004BAC Light Stand, Fotodiox 43" Umbrella, OCF Gear Extra Long ETTL cord
SETTINGS: 1/4000 sec at f/1.8, ISO 125
I hope this post inspires you to take fun photos of your pet! If you have any questions for me, feel free to ask in the comments section below.
Here are some more of my favorite dogs photos. I hope they inspire you to take more pics of your pooch!

SETTINGS: 1/80 sec at f 2.2, ISO 2000

GEAR: Canon 6D, Canon 85mm 1.8
SETTINGS: 1/60 sec at f 1.8, ISO 6400

GEAR: Canon 6D, Canon 50mm 1.4
SETTINGS: 1/100 sec at f 1.4, ISO 100
One speedlite on Joby Gorillapod facing trees and one handheld facing Remington.

SETTINGS: 1/60 sec at f 22, ISO 5000
Candid outdoor winter photo backlit by the sun.

GEAR: Canon 6D, Canon 28mm 1.8
SETTINGS: 1/500 sec at f/3.5, ISO 100
Dimming the sun with 2 600EX-RT Speedlites on the subject.

GEAR: Canon 6D, Canon 28mm1.8, Canon 600EX-RT (2), Yongnuo YN-E3-RT
SETTINGS: 1/180 sec at f 11, ISO 100
Willow the boxer Portrait!

GEAR: Canon 6D, Canon 85mm1.8, Canon 600EX-RT triggered by long sync cord, Westcott Apollo Medium 28" gridded
SETTINGS: 1/180 sec at f 4.5, ISO 400

GEAR: Canon 6D, Canon 50mm1.4
SETTINGS: 1/100 sec at f 4.0, ISO 125
